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 您现在的位置:环宇包装网 » 广州市邵峰包装设备制造有限公司  (会员资质:注册时间 13年, 积分 0)
   公司简介 - 广州市邵峰包装设备制造有限公司

Guangzhou ShaoFeng Mechanical device Co., Ltd is a company that has abundant technical power of packaging machinery specialized designing, which can both manufacturesell. The products of excellent performance ,fair price,whole service have been selling to Japan , Australia ,the Middle East ,the eastern Africa ,the southeast asia,and so forth.


The products are widely applied to medicine、food、commodity chemistry、chemical industry、system card、electronic、informationso on. High quality、great benefitlow price have earned a high praise of our customers. The enterprise is always treating the quality of the machine as life ,treat the service as the soul,and take the contents of the customers as the only standard to test the company.




半自动液体、膏体灌装机系列。 全自动多头灌装机系列。


锁盖机系列。 灌装锁盖机系列。

反渗透水处理系列。 灌装封尾机系列。香水机系列。

所在地区: 广东 - 广州市
邮编/地址: 520300/   查看地图
联 络 人: 覃镶
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注册时间: 2012-11-21 10:50:23
E-mail:  点击发送e-mail给对方
即时交流: QQ在线交谈
关于我们贸易手册使用帮助 支付方式诚聘人才交换链结广告刊登联络方式