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 您现在的位置:环宇包装网 » 新乡市振英机械设备有限公司  (会员资质:注册时间 13年, 积分 1)
振动筛 名称:振动筛

ZYD series vibration screens use upright motor as the vibration source,with eccentric hammers on the both ends,whcih makes the processed materials jump in a  3-dimensional movement path on the screen surface.The movement path can be changed by adjusting the phasic angle between the two eccentric hammers.

Application Range: at powder lines,mill discharge or storage tank discharge for separation, purification,grading,refining,dedusting,filtration.

Applicable materials:
Chemical industry: resin, pigment, industrial medicine, cosmetic, coatings, Chinese medicine power.
Food industry: sugar powder, starch, salt, rice noodles, milk powder, soybean milk, egg powder, sauce, syrup.
Metal, metallurgy mining industry; aluminum powder, ceruse, copper powder, ore alloy powder, welding rod powder, dioxide manganese, electrolyse copper powder, electomagnetism materials, rubbing powder, fire-proof material, kaolin, lime, alumina, heavy calcium carbonate,quartz.Social pollution disposed; disposed oil, disposed water, disposed dye waste water,assistant detergent, active carbon.

该公司其它产品: 振动筛
  •  联系讯息
    所在地区: 河南 - 新乡
    邮编/地址: 453000/ 河南省新乡市新飞大道南段1018# 查看地图
    联 络 人: Simba Zhao
    电 话:
    注册时间: 2012-02-25 15:22:56
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